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A Damn Cool Company

I have the privilege of working with people who love what they do and who are extraordinarily good at what they do.

Most of them are humble, too.

They know that their companies are special, but they also see where they are lacking.

They know where they are superior to the competition, but they also know where they are not.

What they don’t often do is take a moment to appreciate that brilliance. The next leap is always already waiting to be made.

When Oliver Kohl, CEO of Rebional, walked into our session, it was clear that he was leading a brilliant team. He had a strong vision for the company and a team that he deeply believed in. Over the past years, they had established themselves at the forefront of innovation in their field (catering). But they were facing some serious setbacks. After many years of hard work, they needed to make yet another leap.

Oliver wanted to inspire his team to believe in themselves just as much as he did.

After we had laid out the story, something magical happened.

He paused.

And calmly said: “This is such a damn cool company.”

It was a moment of revelation, of seeing beyond the collection of services and strategies that occupy his day-to-day work. He saw that he was not just running a business, but leading a true force of change, innovation, and passion.

That’s the power of trying to find the right words. Some words are precise. Some are eloquent. But the right words are more than that. They also feel right. They are true to who you are.

When he saw in plain sight what he had only felt deep inside, it put a bright smile on his face.

Pride is probably the word that describes it best, an outburst of pride.

Moments like these are what makes my job incredibly rewarding. Watching these leaders swell with pride, seeing their bright smiles, and hearing the excitement in their voices as they talk about their companies is a testament to the power of words. Words that don’t just communicate but connect, resonate, and, most importantly, inspire.

Reach out if you want that, too!

kununu ist ja so stolz

So, so, Xing übernimmt kununu, eine Webseite, auf der Angestellte ihren Arbeitgeber bewerten können. Und weil die sich bei kununu so sehr darüber freuen, haben sie ein Video dazu machen lassen:

Offenbar freuen sie sich so sehr darüber, dass sie vergessen zu sagen, warum mich das interessieren sollte. Besser gesagt: Sie wissen es selbst nicht. Denn gleich zu Beginn des Videos lautet die Antwort auf diese Frage (kein Scherz):

What’s this mission about?

I have no idea actually …

Das Problem: Das Video ist ein reines Schulterklopfer-Video. Das Unternehmen darf ja ruhig stolz sein, dass es in 5 Jahren so sehr gewachsen ist, dass Xing ein paar Millionen dafür hinblättert. Nur: warum sollte mich das interessieren?

John Caples, amerikanischer Werbetexter, hat einmal gesagt:

Der häufigste Grund für erfolglose Werbung, sind Menschen, die so begeistert sind von ihrer Leistung, dass sie vergessen zu sagen, warum gerade wir kaufen sollten.

Bei kununu waren sie wohl mächtig begeistert von ihrer Leistung.

Übrigens: Auch die Auflösung ist verkorkst, denn der Pilot verlässt am Ende die Rakete mit den ganzen tollen Reviews und plumst wieder auf die (Xing-)Erde zurück.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz