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“I like that.”

One of the simplest ways to improve in a skill is to become more specific about the things we like.

Let’s say you want to improve in public speaking. Certainly, there are a bunch of speeches that you love. Pick one and find three things that you like.

Be as specific as you can be. What is it specifically that you like? Why does it work? How does it work? How does it compare to how you would handle it?

Give the things that you notice names so that you can refer back to them and spot them in other speeches.

And then, when you prepare your next speech apply what you’ve learnt.

(Of course, the same process works for almost any skill. Whether it’s writing or graphic design. Cooking or crafting. Sports or music. Being able to describe the things we like makes it much easier to apply it to our own work.)

In the moment

The best camera is the one you have with you. For most of us that’s our phone, nowadays. I’m glad that these cameras are at a level that allows me to capture beautiful scenes like the ones below from our family trip. We took a few days off to relax, go for some walks, and enjoy just being in the moment.

Here are some impressions from that trip.

Let’s Talk: Das Bemerkenswerte liegt im Alltag

Open Mike, zu deutsch „Offenes Mikrofon“, was soll das denn bitte sein? In der dritten Folge von Let’s Talk erklärt mir das der Comedian Heino Trusheim aus Hamburg.

Außerdem unterhalten wir uns u.a. darüber, wie man das Bemerkenswerte im Alltag erkennt, wie man Leute enttarnt, die Pornos gucken, und warum die Deutschen statt zu lernen, wie man bessere Witze erzählt, eher einen Witzeroboter entwickeln würden.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz